Are you looking to improve your android application performance? If so, you’ve come to the right place! There are many different ways to improve your app’s performance and some of them are fairly obvious and easy to implement, while others might be more difficult or require an expert in the field. In this article, we will discuss how you can optimize your application and make it run faster.
Android App Development Tips
Knowing what the most effective Android app development tactics are is essential. This is because there are so many different things that you could do to optimize your Android application and it can be overwhelming as to where to start. So, how can you know which steps to take to get better results for your efforts? These five tips and tricks will help you!
1) Make sure that all of your interactions within the app are snappy.
Stay Away From Network Calls as Much as Possible
One of the biggest factors in poor app performance is network data calls. Sometimes, if you can’t avoid it, you’ll need to make a call to the server to download data that’s too large for your phone’s storage, but there are a few ways to minimize their impact on your app’s speed. For example, make sure the parts of your app that rely on internet data cache as much data as possible locally.
Use Caching for Smaller Data
Caching the data helps your app work more efficiently, minimizing traffic to your backend. This is useful when you have a limited number of items (e.g., 100 blog posts), or when a user is likely to request the same item over and over again.
Storing Additional Application Data in a Database
It’s a bad idea to store all of your data in an Android application as it may be lost when the device is upgraded or replaced. Database tables can be used to store information that should be persistent, such as high scores or settings.
Caching with ProGuard or DexGuard
Caching is an efficient way to avoid loading heavy resources that may be needed in a different part of the application. By caching the different parts of your application, you can significantly improve your user experience. The two most popular Android libraries for doing this are ProGuard and DexGuard, but depending on your needs either could work well for you. For example, ProGuard is easier to use and doesn’t require any changes to the codebase, but it won’t cache bitmaps or images.
Add Downloadables
Here are some things you can do to get your apps up to speed.
* Develop for the latest OS. Starting with API level 26, your app can also be installed from Google Play on devices running Android 5.0 or higher. Consider making your apps compatible with these platforms as they release.
Load Data on Demand
I’ve compiled a list of some of the most common Android Application Performance Tips and Tricks. These are designed to make your apps load more quickly and improve your user experience.
Start by ensuring that you only download data that is necessary to view in your app, and always load this data on demand. Be sure to utilize an efficient JSON library so you don’t add extra processing overhead when loading these objects onto your app’s thread. If you are loading a large dataset, break it up into smaller chunks to decrease processing time for both the UI thread as well as for background tasks running on worker threads or processes. You can also use SQLite functions like append to prevent larger queries from slowing down your app’s execution time.
Get Rid of Unused Resources
One of the main factors that affect app speed is the number of unused resources that are not accessed by the app. If you aren’t using something in your app, get rid of it!
Avoid Excessive Disk Writes
Every time an Android app performs a disk write, the internal flash storage must erase the existing data on that block of memory and rewrite it with new data. We call this process garbage collection. Garbage collection pauses normal I/O activities for a moment to run—tearing down live files, copying dead ones into their final resting place, and making space for new ones in an orderly fashion. But often there’s just not enough space to make all these changes at once.
Prioritize Battery Usage Over Performance
While some applications might be optimized for speed, those features usually come at the cost of battery life. In the mobile world, where power is often scarce, it’s important to conserve as much as possible. Before optimizing your apps for better performance, try making a few tweaks to see if you can get better battery life out of your phone instead.
Consider Dynamic Storage Allocation for Large Datasets
Dynamic Storage Allocation for Large Datasets
Most Java developers have the skill to dynamically resize arrays as needed. These techniques are very handy when you want to allocate a certain amount of memory upfront, but your data set has many unknowns that require tailoring the allocation strategy. Here are some of our favorite techniques for making use of Dynamic Storage Allocation (DSA) to solve a variety of array resizing problems.
Often the biggest challenge in Android is to get the initial load time down. A good way to do this is to minimize your startup time by using onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) to initialize everything instead of onStart(). Unfortunately, any initialization code here will get skipped if your app was running when Android shuts it down. To make sure it gets called, use publish(), un-publish(), or bindService() as necessary.